יום רביעי, 16 בדצמבר 2015

a talk with Scala REPL

At the request of the survivors,
the names have been changed.
Out of respect for the dead,
the rest has been told exactly
as it occurred

me> 1 to
scala> error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method to in class RichInt of type (end: Int, step: Int)scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive
and  method to in class RichInt of type (end: Int)scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive
match expected type ?
       1 to
me>ah... 1 to 10


me> (1 to 10) map _ * 2
scala> error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => 1.to(10).map(x$1.$times(2)))
       (1 to 10) map _ * 2
me> ah, ok, just a missing curly brackets: (1 to 10) map {_ * 2}


me> val a: (Int, Int) = 5,5
scala>:1: error: ';' expected but ',' found.
val a: (Int, Int) = 5,5
me> ah, ok, just a missing brackets: val a: (Int, Int) = (5,5)


To be continued...

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